YahELite Avatar Library Upload

Please be aware of the following policy
This avatar library accepts files in GIF format.
File names up to 32 lowercase alphanumeric characters.
First letter of the filename must be alphabetic.
The allowed characters are a to z, 0 to 9, _ and .gif
File sizes up to 8KB are allowed.
Avatar dimensions of 32 w x 32 h are recommended
Avatars larger than 64 w x 48 h will be discarded.
Animated GIFs may be subject to reconversion.
If your avatar is not accepted, please don't take it personally. We generally do not accept: Images that are very similar to another existing image, Animated gifs that start with an uninteresting first frame, Images that are really smileys, Pictures of a pet animal, Boobs, URLs, Images of poor visual quality; fuzzy or illegible.
If you attempt to force avas to be at the beginning or end of the list, such as by prefixing them with 000 or a_ will probably result in them being deleted immediately.
please use a descriptive name for your ava, NOT something like image032
Avatars are displayed publicly, if you do not want your avatar to be seen, do not upload it!
Your Email Address
Your Avatar 

The site owners and operators reserve the right to remove, modify, rename, publish and reuse images