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In addition to the Graphical User Interface (GUI), YahELite has a text interface that allows you to operate many commands.

If you are looking for help on buttons, menus, windows etc. RightClick on the item for which you want help, or use the F1 key when the item is active.

These are commands you can enter in the input box in the main chat window.
The command character / must be the first character on the line, otherwise it will be treated as normal chat text.

Arguments in [ ] are optional and if not specified will assume a default state or value.

Name and command completion is available for most items, by typing in   /   followed by a few letters of the command, then Press <right arrow>. YahELite will type the rest of the word for you.
This command completion also exists for names, mail addresses, room names etc. for example typing /join ch<right arrow> will popup a list containing recent rooms such as 'chat central' 'chat help', 'chicago bears'

Many items can be set, or toggled on or off, for example:
/buttons on
/buttons off

:   /   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  



:emotion [username]
Send the named emotion (from emotions.dat).


Send a normal chat text line starting with a '/'.


Anonymous mode, no identifying marks.
disable anonymous mode.
/automotd [triggerword]
Send the next MOTD when someone says 'triggerword'.
Disable automotd. See also: /motd
/away text
Sets your custom away status.
marks you as not away.


Convert local time to internet time beats.
/block username
Permanent ignore (NOTE: yahoo limit is 99).
/noblock username
Remove from permanent ignore list.
Show the blender (rainbow text) dialog.
/bosskey [1-24]
Set bosskey to CTRL+ALT+F1 to CTRL+ALT+F24.
Disable bosskey.
/bud [name]
Show the buddy list or add a buddy.
/nobud [name]
Hide the buddy list or delete buddy.
/button {#|name}
Activate the specified button (name -or - #1-500) name completion is available by pressing <right arrow> after /button NOTE: /b is a synonym for /button
/buttons [mode]
Show the user defined button bar.
Hide the user defined button bar.


/calibrate [secs]
Calibrates the Lag-o-meter.
/channel #
The voice channel/protocol number. (eXperts ONLY please)
Clear the chat screen.
/cmd command [args]
Run a program, example: /cmd Notepad c:\foo.txt
Cookie Editor.
/debug [0-31]
Debug mode, 0=off, 1=all, 2=selected, 4=errors, 8=html, 16=proxy, 32=faultypackets.
Disable debug, same as /debug 0.



/delay [milliseconds]
Sets the Multiline send delay. The default is 10000 (10 secs).

/depth [0 to 8]
Sets the color depth for blended text (see FORMAT|RAINBOW_TEXT).


/echo text
Expands the text and any macros it contains.
/emit text
Echo text to local screen.
/emote text
Send text as an emotion.
/noemote text
Same as /think.
Same as /quit.


Find the fastest chat server.
/full [mode]
Toggle full screen.
Stop full screen mode.
/follow username
Start following someone.
Stop following.
Show the font/color box.
Hide the font/color box.
Start another copy of YahELite.
/frame [mode]
Toggle or set decorative window frames on or off. Mode may be 0 or 1
Disable window frames.
Temporarily ignore everything from non friends.
normal chat, Show text from anyone not ignored.


/goto [username]
Default is to popup a user list.


Show this help in a popup window.
Enables and erases chat input history.
Disables and erases chat input history. Note : you can still add specific lines to the history by pressing down arrow.
/host [number]
Sets the %HOST% macro to show the n'th host entry.
Same as /host 0.


Show Client ID's in the user list.
Stop showing client ID's.
/ignore [username] [days]
Start ignoring a user for 'n' days, 0=temporary.
/noignore [username]
Stop ignoring a user.
/invite username [message]
Invite a user to your room.
/ipaddr [###.###.###.###]
Advertise a forced outgoing IP Address.
Delete a forced outgoing IP Address.


/join [room]
Default is to popup the room list.
Same as /leave.


/knock [room]
Continuously try to enter a busy room.
Stop knocking.


Leave the room (go to unknown).
LED's are always enabled for all network activity.
LED's are disabled for HTTP data file transfers.
/linespace [number]
Makes blankspace (0 to 16) on the main chat window.
Same as /linespace 0.
Toggle the list of links. Mode may be 0 or 1
Hide the list of links.
/list [mode]
Toggle the user list. Mode may be 0 or 1
Hide the user list.
Login to chat again using the current name, password and room.


send short email, for example: (mail can be sent to any email address, not just yahoo) /mail "subject line here" your message text here. name completion is available by pressing <right arrow> after /mail .
/marquee [speed]
Enable the marquee, speed is optional, default 100.
Disable the marquee.
/menu [mode]
Toggle the menu,
Hide the menu.
/max [mode]
Toggle maximized window.
Restores window.
/meter [mode]
Toggle the meter, mode may be 0 to 5.
Hide the meter.
/morse text
Send text in Morse code format
/nomorse text
decode Morse coded text.
/motd [filename]
Specify the filename to set the MOTD file to be the specified file. Omit the filename to send the next line of text from the current MOTD file. The default MOTD file is 'MOTD.TXT' in the current directory. The format of the MOTD file is plain text, one entry per line. See also: '/automotd'.
/motd [filename]
Omit the filename to send the next line of text from the current MOTD file. Specify the filename to set the MOTD file to be the specified file. The default MOTD file is 'MOTD.TXT' in the current directory. See also: '/automotd'.
/mumble [text]
Enable mumble or Mumbles text'
Stops mumbling.


Changes the chat display to have 'username says,'
Classic name decoration.
Get the latest YahELite news bulletins.
Disable automatic news bulletins.


/oldstyle [mode]
Toggles old style file browsing.
New style of browsing.
Unignores the last person auto-ignored.


Open the multiline paste window.
Stop pasting text.
/personality [name]
Load the name.ypf personality filter.
Turn off the personality filter. (See the Release Notes)
/pipe command [args]
Run a DOS command and capture its output to a window.
/ping n1[,n2]
Set the keepalive ping to 'n' minutes (n2 for YMSG10).
Stop the keepalive timer.
/pkt # data
Send a raw packet # \### octal escapes are recognized.
/play [filename]
Start playing the contents of filename (default play.txt).
Stop playing the textfile.
Open the POP3 (outgoing) mail setup panel.
/pm username message
Same as /tell .
/profile [name]
Popup the quick profile for the specified name.
Close the profile panel.
/profoto [flag]
Show room profiles with photos. Flags: A=All, F-Female, M=Male, U=unknown.


Enter quiet mode, no PM or buddy online-offline messages.
Normal non quiet mode.
/quit [hard]
Graceful program shutdown. ('/quit hard' is not recommended.)


Raw Mode, no filters, no ignores, inline PMs
Unset raw mode.
Refresh the user list like when you join the room.
/rejects [mode]
Show the rejected PMs.
Hide the rejected PMs.
Select an new location for YahVox.
/replace oldtext newtext
Defines the macro named 'oldtext' to produce 'newtext'. Warning : NOT saved until you call Options->Replacements.
remove the named macro.
/reverse [mode]
Toggle reverse scroll, very odd.
Normal forward scroll.
/resolve [address]
Resolve an IP address or name (measure DNS response time).
Set RichText mode for full colors.
Unset RichText mode.
/room [-{vip}] roomname
make a v)oice i)invite p)rivate room.
/run command
Run a program, example: or Notepad.


/save [filename]
Save the current chat transcript to a file.
/say text
Send text verbatim, no macros or colors.
/nosay text
/selftest [n]
Simulate 'n' HTTP connections (default 1) to transfer test file data. (see the release notes for more detail)
/scan [pattern,pattern..]
Scan the chat text for a pattern.
Stop scanning.
/see [name]
Start YahSee, to view the Yahoo WebCam for 'name' or the selected userlist name.
Enable vertical scroll.
Disable vertical scroll.
Start YahSho, the Yahoo webcam image uploader.
Set the skin and face color RRGGBB are 2 digit hex 00 to FF.
Default skin color.
Open the SMTP (incoming) mail setup panel.
Screen snapshot to save as a windows bitmap.
Enable snappy help (auto close of popup help boxes).
Disable snappy help (enables a title and close |X| box).
/speak text
Text to Speech. See the Release Notes for more info.
/spell [text]
Enable spell checking [see if text is in dictionary].
Disable spell checking.
Enable the WWW/Fileshare file transfer progress window.
Disable progress window.
Enable text styling (remote user colors).
Disable text styling (remote user colors).


/tattoo {on|off|####}
Set your tattoo (#### is 4 hex digits).
Remove the tattoo.
/tell username message
Send a private message or pop up the PM box.
Hide or show the PM box.
/text text
Send normal text to chat.
/notext text
/textfile [filename]
Send text file. (See also /delay)
Stop sending a text file
/think text
Send text as .oO(thought).
/nothink text
Same as /emote.
Show kernel/usermode times.
/timestamp [mode]
Add timestamps to chat text.
Don't add timestamps to chat text.
/toolbar [mode]
Show the toolbar.
Hide the toolbar.
Keeps YahELite on top of most other windows
Turns off the topmost flag (default)


/unbud username
Removes your name from someone elses buddy list.
/nounbud username
Removes ALL your names from someone elses buddy list.
/unicode [n]
Enables Yahoo UTF8 character conversions (default). 0=off, 1=twobyte UTF8, 2=16bit UNICODE.
Disables UTF8 codepage conversions.
Check for a recent YahELite update.
/useragent text
Default is YahELite but can be set to Mozilla etc.
Reset to the default value for useragent


/vc username [confID]
voice chat conference.
Show this program version.
/view [filename]
View a chat transcript.
Close the transcript view window.


/wallpaper [filename]
Set the wallpaper image (bmp,gif,jpg)
Disables wallpaper.
/who [name]
Looks up all users whose ID starts with 'name'.
Close the who window.
Shows why the last person was auto ignored. See also: '/oops and /noignore'.
/wild [pattern]
Applies wildcard ignore of pattern. Use no pattern for help and permanent wildcards.
/wrap [mode]
Toggle line wrap. Mode may be 0 or 1
Disable line wrap.


no commands start with /x


no commands start with /y


/zoom [size]
Magnifies the fontsize on new RichEdits, size is 0 to 100.
Resets screen magnification back to normal.

Note: many commands require an active connection.